Saturday, January 8, 2011

Catching Up

Well, I'm behind on my weekly baby posts  - are you surprised?  I needed a little break, and my first week back at school was exhausting and hectic. 

Here's my pictures for 33 and 34 weeks.  I can't believe we are getting this close already!

How far along:  34 weeks
Baby is the size of: a honeydew melon (somewhere between 4.2 and 5.8 pounds!)
Sleep: Sleep?  What's that?  Oh, it must be that thing that happens between my hourly trips to the bathroom!  I've been a little more comfortable at night since I've been seeing my chiropractor the past couple of weeks, though.
Cravings:  Not much of anything.  My appetite has diminished lately....I think there's just not enough room for much food these days!
Symptoms:  I had one day of slightly swollen feet last week...let's hope that doesn't happen again.  Otherwise, more of the same --- achy, tired, in the bathroom ALL THE TIME (thank goodness for the office ladies at work - they come down and cover my class for me so I can go tinkle!)
--Started childbirth classes this week.  They are every Monday night for the month of January.  I'm glad we opted for the 5-week class because I thought it was a lot of information in 2 1/2 hours on Monday night.  Interesting....and poor Mark.  He looked a little bewildered by the time we left.  But it was fun to meet some other couples all expecting around the same time as us.  Every mom in there had a very different belly -- I am still amazed how differently each woman carries a baby, even if their due dates are just days apart!
--Also, we had our maternity pictures taken today, which was lots of fun.  Hopefully I will have those to post on here in the next couple of weeks!  Took some at home, including some pictures in the nursery.  Then we went to Union Station for the rest of the pictures.  I am very anxious to see how they turn out.  I'm not exactly confident in my appearance these days...feeling very large.  However, I know I wanted to have pictures to remember this pregnancy, which (overall) has been wonderful.
--We bought some things for the baby that we didn't receive at showers.  Used some gift cards to get our carseat/stroller.  Mark put it together on New Year's Eve.  I fell asleep at 11, but he was sure to wake me up at midnight and give me a New Year's kiss. :)

It's past my bedtime!  This momma is off to bed!


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