At Home: My birthday is coming up on Wednesday, so I spent the weekend doing various birthday celebrations....Saturday with Mom & sisters. We had a fun day of pedicures, shopping, dinner, presents, wine, and visiting. We rarely get to spend time together anymore without little ones running around, so it was nice to have a girls' day. Sunday Mark and I got up early, put the baby (still in jammies) in the car and went to Target. We did ALL of our Christmas shopping for baby girl. Feels good to get that done! I am anxious to get my tree up and start decorating for Christmas, so I spent the afternoon taking down and packing up my fall decor. Honey rearranged the living room for me in preparation for the tree. Sunday evening birthday dinner with Dad. Now I am snuggled up on the couch and saying prayers that my little lady sleeps better tonight than she has the past three. She has a horrible cough that has kept her up the past few nights. I'm sick, too, so the sleepless nights are doin' a number on me.
At Work: I feel like school has been a whirlwind the past couple of months. In the last 6 weeks I've had report cards, parent/teacher conferences, an inservice for the new teacher group that I co-mentor, Halloween party & parade....and then Open House last week. If you are a teacher, then you know how much work it is to get ready for Open House. Getting all of the kids' work and projects organized, completed, displayed. It is fun - but resulted in a few late nights at work over the past week.
Here's our "Flat Stanley" display. Have you heard of that story? It's about a boy who gets flattened when a bulletin board falls on him while he's sleeping. He is able to be mailed in an envelope to visit his family in California. Each of my students made their own Flat Stanley and mailed it off to a faraway place. Their family and friends sent back pictures and letters and souvinirs to show what Stanley did while he visited!
Our Veterans Day poppies on the door.
Our Corduroy bears sitting in each child's chair. We made Pilgrim books for their desks and some fraction pies. They also made some adorable little ceramic pilgrims in art class.
Look at these darling owls! The kiddos wrote clues about themselves on the wings, and their families had to guess which owl was theirs. Each child's picture was underneath one of the wings.
Whew! So glad that is over with!!
Busy Baby!!!
Little sweetpea started crawling this week and she. is. EVERYWHERE! It only took her about a day to figure out that she could go quickly from room to room - explore what is on the end tables and coffee table, follow me to the kitchen, pull up on the couch, and scoot over to the front door - which is her absolute FAVORITE place to sit.
SOOO big! Busy-ness is going to continue....a quick two-day work week, then off to Oklahoma to have Thanksgiving at my aunt & uncle's house. First time traveling with a baby. Wish us luck!
AHH! She is just so cute!
ReplyDeleteOh my...well let me tell you, your life just got ten times crazier with the addition of crawling!! But doesn't it make you giddy excited with pride when you see her get excited about going places. Jack loves the front door too, lots of hand and mouth prints on the door now. Have fun on your trip; birthday plans when you get home!!