Sunday, December 16, 2012

Meeting Santa

We've been talking a little about Santa around here.....nothing about him bringing presents, or watching for good behavior, or that he is the main man at Christmas time (because he isn't!) but we point him out in books and on TV, and have been telling Natalie that she gets to see Santa and sit on his lap.

So today, we decided to get on a festive outfit and go meet the big guy...

It was a small miracle that we were even able to get her to pose in front of the tree!  She is generally uncooperative for posed pictures, but she was proud of her reindeer shirt and her new shiny shoes.  Daddy told her to show off her shoes for Mommy's camera, and she stuck her little foot forward and put her hand on her hip!
We waited a few minutes in line....

Then I got her out of the stroller and had her watch some of the other kids go sit on Santa's lap.  She grinned and waved at him, and I asked her if she wanted to go sit on Santa's lap.  "Yeahhhh!" she replied.  We waited our turn and she walked right up to him.  We said hello, but she got suddenly once I plopped her on his lap and walked away. :)

A candy cane distracted her a bit...
But she didn't last all that long.

Another holiday activity to check off the list, and one for the memory books!
Ho, Ho, Ho!


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