Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 1

Last Friday was weigh-in day for Week 1.  Stepped on the scale, and to my absolute delight I was down 4 pounds in just one week!
YAHOO! *happy dance*

Best part of this week:  DUH.  Getting on the scale.  Also feeling motivated and excited.

Worst part of this week:  Two days this week, the counter in the teacher's lounge was covered with things like cinnamon rolls, chips and dip, apple pie, and brownie.  Oy.  I summoned up all my will power and munched on my carrot sticks while I silently cursed my co-workers who were enjoying the goodies.

Exercise:  My treadmill and I got reacquanited.  Three days this week I did two miles, a combination of walking and jogging.  Totally kicked my butt because I am so out of shape!  I know it will get easier...
Food: All day I look forward to my Skinny Cow mint truffle ice cream bar at about 8:00pm.  That's the time of evening that I get a snack-attack.  My hubby munches on popcorn or ramen noodles...and I savor every bite of my ice cream.  This week I am also loving hard-boiled eggs, fresh pineapple/grapes/strawberries, and my Trader Joe's veggie sticks.  I am missing my Cheez-its.  I sneak a few here and there - but I no longer get to sit down and consume half-a-box in one sitting.  I am also missing eating buttered popcorn with my honey.

Goals for next week:  I have upped my water intake, but I'd like to do even better.  Next week, I am making goals to drink more water, 4 days of exercise, and maintain my 1300-1400 calories per day allowance.

Inspiration for this week:
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