Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Well, I guess today is my last chance to get some wrapping, cookie-baking, and cleaning done before the big day!  We have plans to visit and celebrate with family over the next three days, so I better get myself in gear!

So, what's a girl to do when a messy house and a counter of baking supplies are calling her name??  Why, play in her daughter's nursery of course!  What can I say, I'm a procrastinator....

No, we aren't ready for a reveal yet.  Mostly because her room still looks like this:

And this:

And this:

I honestly did go in there with the best intentions to put some things away.  And, as organized as I usually am, I have a hard time getting from messy to organized.  Once I'm there, I'm there.  But walking into a room of "piles" sends my brain into overload.  I need the help of my wonderful, wonderful friend who is fantastic at organizing (hint, hint, JENN!)

Needless to say, after looking around at said "piles" for 10 minutes, I gave up and decided to take pictures of her adorable wardrobe.

But look at all of her cute stuff!  Here are some of my favorite outfits that I just can't wait to get her into!
Frilly pink dresses....
(Thanks cousin Danica!)

(Hand-me-down from Grace -- with matching hat & bloomers!)

And cute little pants with sweet things on the bottom:
And "lounging" clothes (Mark says this outfit is "our style" in we sit around and don't do much, but like to look good doin' it):
(Thanks Grandma Cece!)

Little sweet socks:
(Thank you Kodi and Melinda!)

And (drumroll please.....) the very first thing that I have personally bought for my girl:

Was it way too much money?  Yes.  But, I couldn't leave it behind!  So cute!

Okay, I suppose I have no more excuses.....of to get some work done.  Happy, happy, happy Christmas Eve Eve to you!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to spend Monday making cute baby things and organizing that room!!
