Saturday, May 1, 2010

I love the weekend...

Today was a great start to my weekend!

I was up at 7 for a 5K at school -- they have the annual "Dragon Dash" to raise money for the school.  I was happy with my time: 42 minutes.  I felt great!  My students were all excited to see me there.  I still think it is so funny how they act when they see you outside of the classroom, doing something other than teaching.  I remember one of my favorite books when I was a kid was My Teacher Sleeps At School.  All the kids in the class thought that she lived at school, and imagined where she would sleep (under her desk), where she would eat (in the "kitchen" center), and what she would do with her free time (play piano and read books).  Now I am that teacher, and my kiddos are caught a little off guard when they see me somewhere in "public". 

After the race, I headed home and Mark and I decided to go get flowers to plant in our pots out front.  We got some geraniums, vinca vine, and some little yellow flowers that I can't remember the name of... :)

Then, we couldn't resist these pots for the backyard...they were so colorful and cheery on the shelf at Home Depot, I just had to have them!  They look really cute around the patio in the backyard.

We planted some begonias and coleus in these planters -- happy flowers!

Yard work was followed by a hot shower and a nap.....oh, yes.  *heaven*

I finished my evening with some crafting -- can't share pics yet, as they are a gift for a certain mommy for a certain holiday that's coming up next weekend.

Hope you all had a beautiful Saturday!


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